Affordable Dental Coverage For You And Your Family
We are pleased to offer an in-house quality dental plan to help our patients maintain regular preventative care and procedures. In exchange for an affordable annual in-house plan fee, you will receive regular cleanings, periodic exams, and 20-30% discounts on commonly performed dental procedures.
Unlike most insurance plans, there is no waiting period, yearly maximums, or deductibles. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to call us at (781) 545 - 4181
Our dental clinic near you provides a full range of family, cosmetic, and preventative dental services and beauty applications, from regular dental cleanings to implants, neurotoxin, and fillers. Also, we offer great family dentistry.
Call us today for more detail or stop by and we would love to answer any questions you may have.
*Discount cannot be applied to other dental insurance-related fees, Invisalign, Implants, and other discounts from Scituate Smiles Dental. Further restrictions may be added at the discretion of Scituate Smiles Dental.
*Our in-house dental plan is not insurance. For people with mandated minimum health insurance requirements, our in-house dental membership will not fulfill those requirements.